Who killed the electric car? [Download, Rapidshare]

Who killed the electric car?

Director: Chris Paine
Written by: Chris Paine

Film Documentary seeking to answer the question of what happened to the clean electricity using autami that a few years ago were considered for the future of the automotive industry, and today have been virtually forgotten. Is anyone keen to the idea of a large-scale use of environmentally friendly vehicles fell?

In 1996, traffic began to appear on California electric cars. They were silent, fast, not pollution environment, have good range (about 200mil) and developed a speed of more than 80 miles per hour 10 years later, these cars virtually disappeared from the roads. What happened?

It turns out that someone gave them death sentence. Cars received satisfied owners on pain of prosecution for theft were taken into the wilderness, and pressed on przemielono small granules. The same is done with the new car from the factory, which has not yet got to the showroom! Who ordered? The government? Oil cartel? Cartel of gas producers of cars and parts for them (oil, filters, etc.)? On this question the authors seek to answer the film "Who Killed the Electric Car".

The same Global Elite to kill the electric cars because they threaten the income through their own corporate mass media shout loudly about the effect of CO2 on the effects of global warming and argue that "something must be done with this because otherwise it would ruin us." What offer? Reducing emissions through the introduction of a new ... GLOBAL TAX!
